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Why You Need a Business Strategy

By Auckland Business Chamber on June 29, 2021

You’ve got a great idea, you’ve got the passion, you’ve got the people... How do you bring it all together?

The answer is a business strategy. Put simply it is a plan that shows how you are going to achieve your goals.

Ask yourself where is your business now? Where do you want to take it? What do you need to get it there?

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Topics: Business Support, growing business, start ups, entrepreneur, strategy, planning

Mindfulness in the Workplace

By Auckland Business Chamber on January 29, 2019


Mindfulness doesn’t teach us to manage our stress, it teaches us to stop making it!   Through a simple and scientifically proven meditation process it allows us to improve happiness, productivity and profitability by removing stress.  Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success, and this is true for business as well as individuals.

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Topics: start ups, entrepreneurs, SME, mindfulness, employees, course, stress management

GridAKL – a hub for innovation

By Auckland Business Chamber on December 06, 2018


‘Start-ups and SMEs can be hard work when you’re sitting at the kitchen table or alone in the garden shed. That’s why GridAKL was set up to bring people and ideas together.’


Very few light bulb moments happen in isolation. Ideas take off by bouncing concepts around with like-minded people. That’s really the crux of GridAKL - a place and community designed to help businesses make their next move.

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Topics: growing business, start ups, technology, entrepreneurs, SME, innovation